Program Overview
Soul Care for Individuals in Prison
soul care at denver women’s correctional facility
A Volunteer Opportunity for Soul care providers
Restoring Connections has offered Soul Care for individuals in prison and during re-entry since 2001. We regularly serve around 100 people per year. Soul Care focuses on the deeper reasons why a person ended up in the criminal justice system. It helps each person address the trauma they have experienced, develop self-management skills for when they feel triggered and assume responsibility for the harm they have caused.
Volunteer soul care mentors meet one-on-one with their mentee once every two weeks for an hour. Additionally, mentors meet monthly for ongoing education and peer supervision.
Soul Care for Individuals in Re-Entry
soul care re-entry
A mentorship program for those recently released from denver women’s correctional facility
Soul Care Re-entry is designed to connect recently-released people with the support they need, and allow them to take charge of their future. Getting released from prison is an extremely disorienting experience. Soul Care volunteers are a source of emotional and spiritual support for those in re-entry, which reduces recidivism and enables spiritual growth for everyone.
Spiritual Direction
FORMATION in soul care
An online 15-month program addressed to the needs of anyone called to the ministry of spiritual direction, desiring to serve and companion people in poverty, or seeking renewal in their service of others.
soul care for everyone
This is a confusing and disorienting time. This time away from others also provides us with more opportunity to pay attention to our inner life and to grow spiritually. Restoring Connections has a number of well-trained Soul Care Providers who are willing to be available to you online or by phone.
Elder Wisdom
Equipping seniors for transformative presence and meaningful service with others
We are committed to positive aging and serve individuals nearing or in retirement with programs focused on the spirituality of aging and the gifts that elders bring to the community. Elder Wisdom nourishes the spiritual, social, and intellectual life of individuals 55 and up.
Restoring Connections is committed to the Advocacy work needed to place human dignity in the forefront of public decision-making.
“My first experience was mentoring a bright, engaging young woman with so many strikes against her that I stopped counting. She never had a safety net. The Making Choices curriculum allowed her to envision the woman she wanted to become and gave her skills to set goals and reach them. It was my great joy to coach her and to watch her discover her strengths and her potential. With the help of Making Choices, she began to weave her own safety net. We were both transformed by the process.”
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