Volunteer Opportunities
two hours per month - Elder Wisdom Planning
If you have two hours per month and enjoy working as part of a team, the Elder Wisdom Planning Committee is looking for you!
Commitment: 2 hours per month
Personal Benefits: for people 55+ it provides a monthly opportunity to grow spiritually, supported by a small community of like-minded people.
Community Benefits: Plans the learning and service opportunities for people in the Elder Years (55+).
Learn more about Elder Wisdom and the committee job description here. If interested, email Vie Thorgren.
2-4 hours per week - Justice-Involved Individuals
If you have two hours a week and want to make a difference for Justice-Involved Individuals :
Serving as a Soul Care Mentor for incarcerated women or women in re-entry
Participating on the Healing Art team focused on psychospiritual healing for incarcerated women
Participating on the Strength in Service team bringing grief support group experience to direct caregivers of terminally ill patients
Serving on the Advocacy Team involved in advocacy work at the state legislature around mental health and justice issues
12 Hours per MOnth - Board of Directors
If you have 12 hours per month and enjoy working on the Big Picture, Evaluation, and Futuring, the Board of Directors needs you!
Budgeting and Accounting Experience and Group Facilitation skills are particular needs. For more information, email Vie Thorgren.
Soul Care
If you are interested in receiving training in Soul Care/Spiritual Direction in order to more effectively serve in the community, the Formation Program for Soul Care has a new cohort beginning soon.
If you are interested in providing support and supervision for individuals involved in Soul Care, you can work with online supervision of individuals all over the world!
If you have a background in Soul Care or in direct service to people in poverty, your gifts can be put to use in the Formation Program for Soul Care.
For more information on any of these opportunities, email Vie Thorgren.
If you like to record and share stories, the Communications Team can use your skills. For more information, email Vie Thorgren.
Looking for other ways to support our work?