Spirituality in the Marketplace Workshop
Dr. Vie Thorgren offers keynotes, workshops, and retreats on a variety of topics around spirituality and work. She is gifted in developing topics to suit the needs of the particular group. Contact us to inquire about availability, rates, and topics.
Some sample topics:
From the Balancing Act to the Balanced Life
It's easy to see that many of us are living out of balance. The effects can be seen everywhere. Many of us feel that we have no control of our time. Most of us are suffering from sleep deficit. Increasingly, we are shocked by how rudely we treat each other ...in the workplace and on the road.
Is there a solution to feeling pulled in several different directions at once? What is out-of-balance when we feel "beside ourselves" by the end of the day? If you are tired of juggling work, family, friendships and responsibilities, this workshop offers an alternative. With awareness and practice you can discover an inner-outer balance that will enable you to live a life of integrity and service.
Don't Go Home Exhausted!
In the relentless busyness of modem life, we have lost the rhythm between action and rest. Poisoned by a hypnotic belief that good things come only through unceasing striving and tireless effort, we never seem to truly rest. In our drive to make an impact, we are seduced by the promise of more: more effectiveness, more satisfaction, more information and more influence. With no small degree of pride, we say we are so busy, as if our exhaustion were a trophy.
Is there really another way? Are you tired of wishing it were different and ready to do something about it? We invite you to "catch your breath" and discover that making a difference in the world doesn't mean you have to go home exhausted.
Making Your Life Come True
All of us want the Good Life. Contemporary culture associates it with creature comforts, with climbing the ladder and with "newer", "bigger" and "more. People who have chosen to work in the nonprofit sphere know that the "good life" is about something much deeper than material advantage and influence. Why is it then that in our pursuit of "the good life" we feel so tired and stressed? Why is it when we're working so hard for the common good that we often feel as if we are postponing our own life? What makes the truly Good Life and what betrays it? Why is awareness of our individual "calling" and faithfulness to it so important?
Inventive to Infinity
The constant acceleration of change and the multiple demands of life are significant stressors for individuals, families and organizations. As we keep up with the latest in technology and information, are we also taking the time to ground our efforts in a spirituality that can sustain us? Are we taking the time to grow in the inventiveness of Connection... for the sake of our personal relationships and for the sake of our world?