Restoring Connections unites diverse people for
spiritual transformation and social justice.
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The hours of light are obviously getting shorter each day. It’s that time of the year when we intentionally think about and celebrate the lives of loved ones who have died.
If you are registered to vote in Colorado, you now have your ballot. There is a lot on the ballot, and no one can have all the information on everything, so we trust reliable sources to help us understand. Restoring Connections, from its 25 years experience working with incarcerated individuals, is encouraging a NO vote on Proposition 128.
Our annual virtual candle lighting for loved ones who have passed on is in November. If you would like to honor someone who has been important in your own life with a tribute and candle, we invite you to make your submission by November 14.
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence is of particular concern to all of us due to its pervasiveness. Nearly one in four women and one in nine men are victims of domestic violence according to the National Institutes of Health. Domestic violence is about control over another family member and can involve physical, sexual, emotional, economic and psychological abuse.
During these early days of the fall season, we are reviewing with all our mentors and soul care providers vital information about suicide prevention and the needs of survivors of suicide loss. All of us can make a difference. Relationships are important.
If you are concerned about a friend or family member who may be at risk of suicide, call or text 988. It’s a direct connection to professional support.
September is national suicide awareness month. This is a good time to remember loved ones who have been lost through suicide and to educate ourselves proactively about risks, warning factors and how to help. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on our own quality of self-care, how connected we are to a sense of meaning and purpose in our own lives and the importance of nurturing personal relationships.
On Friday, August 23, we graduated another cohort in our Formation Program for Soul Care Providers. It was a day of real celebration. It also marks a letting go. This will be the final offering of the program through Restoring Connections.
August 17 is National Nonprofit Day. This is an important opportunity to learn more about nonprofits and to celebrate their important contributions. Nonprofits play a vital role in community development. They provide essential services that would otherwise be unavailable. They provide direct services like food and shelter and supportive services like skills training and mentoring. They foster the culture of the community. They inspire and bring people together to heal, to challenge, to advocate for change and to ensure the common good. Communities with strong nonprofits score higher on societal health, positive lifestyles, community stability and social cohesion.
It is more than a week now since our national election. All of us are feeling a variety of emotions.