“Grandparents” and Grandchildren Healing the World
We asked, you answered!
Grandparents/elders, what do you appreciate most about the young people in your life?
Young people, what do you value most about elders who support and care about you?
(you can submit a tribute at the bottom of this page)
“Elders who support the youth to build up a better life is the best way to get the youth a greater height.”
“Their sense of wonder at nature; their slow pace in life (compared to adults), and their ability to live in the present”
“I value their openness and trust”
“A tribute to my 4 year-old grandson, 6 year- old, 4 year-old and two year-old granddaughters. Beautiful grandchildren, always know you are children of Almighty God. Think of yourselves as being great in His sight. If that does not work, think of yourself as being even greater in His sight. Respect your parents, yourself, family and community. Honor your legacy with your own integrity. Plan your life. Living into your life plan ultimately will be a test of your character. Your future lives deep within you, not in front of you. Move up by carrying others with you. Forgiving natures your soul. Make being kind and playing fair your life rules, even when others do not. Education is power. Being able to communicate is power. Know that you are responsible for your own life. There is no right way to do a wrong thing. Be the architect of your life. I believe in you. You have special places in my heart. Remember, I will love you forever and always, no matter what.”
“I appreciate their ability to learn about the family heritage. We need both generations.”
“My granddaughter’s faith filled spirit !!!”
“My grandchildren bring life to us. The pure joy they share as well as their moments of distress. In all, I know God is at work in each of us - our children, our grands, and in ourselves.”
“Young people in my life: I appreciate their optimism, openness, and positivity.”
“I love their constant presence in my life! Three of my grandkids are right next door. Along with the other two who live a few hours away, I am blessed by their wonder at their world, being able to watch their growth in the Lord and their sweet love for us and for all of their family!! What a gift they are!!”
“Our grandchildren, Logan and Kelsey, are kind, thoughtful, generous and intelligent young people who bring joy to our lives when we are with them. We are fortunate to live in the same city and have loved watching them grow to be a Junior and an Eighth grader. We have so many wonderful memories of spending time with them and doing fun things as they have grown, and we look forward to our times together and all their future endeavors. They have kept us young and we love them lots.”
“The gift of wonder and love.”
“My grandkids’ energy, love, honesty and sweetness! They make my world a happier place and I hope I do the same for them!”
“What I appreciate most about our grandchildren is the happiness they bring us. The simple things are so much fun when we do them together: playing a game, going to the playground, swimming, hugging or reading a story. We love them very much!”
“I appreciate able to give back to my own children by watching my grandbabies when able. They are pure joy and a gift of old age.”
“My grandchildren teach me the value of the little things in life that are so precious.”
“We enjoy watching our grandchildren grow and learn and discover their place in the world through their activities, interests, and all their educational endeavors. We are also grateful for their friends and other adults who care about them and who walk with them on their journey to adulthood. May God be with them in this ever more complex world that we are handing on to them.”
“With my granddaughter, I love her curiosity. I also love her smile and laugh! With my teenage daughter (the youngest of our kids), I love her heart for justice, inclusion, multiculturalism.”
“I admire and commend the courage and truth that is displayed in defense of the values and ideals of a just society, and dedication to the preservation of a viable planet to support and sustain life in future generations.”
“My grandchildren are all such fascinating people. All four of them are vibrant and full of life! I love to listen to them and hear their stories. I meet life again through their insights. It lights up my day to text and to talk with my granddaughters who are talented and sensitive adults. The oldest is the most tenderhearted, thoughtful person I know. She is sensitive to the needs of others and a leader. The next just makes life fun! She’s always interested in other people and a good listener. My grandsons are still in grade school and high school and they’re some of my best teachers. I love to share history with my adolescent grandson and to attend his sports. His embrace of every challenge inspires me. My youngest grandson is so observant, artistic and quite a reader. He helps my brain cells keep growing. The thing that touches me most deeply about all my grandchildren is the fact that they’re always happy to hear from me. I’m so grateful to be a part of their lives and to share my life with them.”
“My grandmother, Rebecca, took me on my first pilgrimage when I was 12 years old. I will always remember that trip to Santuario de Chimayo in New Mexico as the basis of my love for pilgrimage still today.”
Submit a Tribute
This form is for submitting a tribute only. Go here to register for the July 16th workshop.