I offer you Peace

I’ve been thinking about my dad this week.  It was 80 years ago June 4th that he was part of the American troops that liberated Rome.  This week we also remembered the 80th anniversary of D-day.  The individuals who sacrificed so much during WWII to bring about peace and freedom hoped that there would never again be war, suffering and de-humanization.  And yet in 2024, we know the devastation of war and the violation of human dignity.  Although our country is not directly at war with another nation, we are divided and at odds with each other.  The tendency to attack, insult and demean the other is not even beneath the surface.

We are called back again to something we have known for a long time.  Peace in our families, in our neighborhoods and in our world requires a commitment to the active practice of nonviolence and a willingness to engage our conflicts with transformative skills. 

This week we renew with you our commitment to RESTORE CONNECTIONS.  We also thank each one of you for the quality of presence and healing you bring to others in your daily life.

We thought you might find it helpful to renew some of those healing and transformative skills that we have offered over the past two years.

If you’re a grandparent, you might appreciate viewing again or for the first time either one of our webinars:

  • Grandparents and Grandchildren Healing Our World

  • Grandparents as a Healing Presence

  • If you are interested in the specific skills of Conflict transformation:

  • Healing Conversations: Dialogue not Disaster  

These video recordings can be found on our website

Additionally, you might find the video slides from Words Matter:  Communication Skills for Transcending Conflict in Daily Interactions helpful

“I offer you Peace.  I offer you Love.  I offer your Friendship.  I see your beauty.  I hear your need.  I feel your feelings.”   Mahatma Gandhi

If we can support you through a Soul Care relationship or if you are interested in fostering healing and connection for individuals in prison or during re-entry, contact us.