This month we would like to recognize the volunteer efforts of Kevin and Susan Navarro who serve as Soul Care Mentors in Denver Women’s Correctional Facility.
The hours of light are obviously getting shorter each day. It’s that time of the year when we intentionally think about and celebrate the lives of loved ones who have died.
If you are registered to vote in Colorado, you now have your ballot. There is a lot on the ballot, and no one can have all the information on everything, so we trust reliable sources to help us understand. Restoring Connections, from its 25 years experience working with incarcerated individuals, is encouraging a NO vote on Proposition 128.
Our annual virtual candle lighting for loved ones who have passed on is in November. If you would like to honor someone who has been important in your own life with a tribute and candle, we invite you to make your submission by November 14.
Over the past 23 years, you have accompanied hundreds of people through all kinds of experiences with supportive relationships. Your service, your financial support, and your spiritual support have made transformation possible.